Monday, July 14, 2008

Product search optimization-elaborated

As previously mentioned, we're making several enhancements to provide a positive user experience for buyers and sellers. In this post, I want to elaborate on one of our enhanced features, product search optimization.

The search box on our site is now equipped with multiple capabilities, including but not limited to matching of searched keyword in product titles, product descriptions and product categories. Once a search query result is generated and displayed, users can also sort items according store names and product names, which make brand associated queries, such as Dell laptop, easier to find.

This new enhancement has several benefits to both buyers and sellers.

For Buyers
You can now quickly locate an item and refine your search with numerous functions, which include an ascending price sorting option. More matching capabilities increase the relevancy of your searched keyword to our inventory, thus generating a good result the first try.

For Sellers

Every product that is listed with consistency from product title to description, properly placed in a category will increase its visibility to buyers. In addition, your inventory also enjoys other benefits as follow:
  1. Timely inventory upload or update when using Fididel's provided inventory template (in Excel format), thus making your products readily available on the portal. Weekly inventory update can be automatically uploaded using a secured FTP, eliminating time-consuming manual edits and associated human errors.
  2. Accurate product description and pricing as the template is formatted to integrate seamlessly with our database, which increases the product's chance of populating a search result.
  3. On-time inventory adjustment to provide buyers a positive shopping experience, thus retaining their loyalty to your store on Fididel.
If you haven't already taken advantage of our FTP process or make good use of our inventory template, contact us today and we'll be happy to assist you.

On a side note, the product search enhancement is the first of many pending enhancements we have planned for the portal, including a Search Engine Optimization enhancement to promote and improve Fididel's product search on search engines. Therefore, if you're on board with us from step one, you'll also enjoy the benefits once the entire process is fully implemented. Sphere: Related Content

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